Place of interest

Philippines (Philippines: Pinipinas) Officially known as the Republic of the Philippines (Filipino: Republika ng Pinipinas) is an archipelago country in Southeast Asia, located east of Indochina and northern Indonesia.  Philippines with an area of ??342,353 square kilometers;  Ranked 644 with a population of 109,581,078;  It is the thirteenth country. [1] [2] The capital of the Philippines is Manila and its largest city is Quezon City.  The official languages ??of the Philippines are English and Filipino.

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The archipelago was first discovered by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan.  The Spanish Empire colonized the archipelago and later colonized the United States in the war between the United States and Spain, eventually becoming the colony of the Japanese Empire until the Philippines became an independent state.

 The Philippine currency is the Philippine peso, and the Philippine economy is the 34th largest economy in the world with a gross domestic product of $ 371.8 billion in 2018. [3]

 The Philippines has a democratic government in the form of a constitutionally constituted presidential system headed by Rodrigo Duterte. 

Place of interest

Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country in West Africa.  Its capital is Dakar.

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Senegal is bordered by Mauritania to the northeast, Mali to the east, and Guinea-Bissau to the south.

 The Gambia is also a language within Senegal.  Senegal is bounded on the west by the Atlantic Ocean.

 Although Senegal is neither a vast country nor has a strategic position, it does play a prominent role in African continental politics.  The country has a population of about 16.7 million.

 The French first built a port in Senegal in 1659 and named it the Saint Louis District.  It was liberated from French rule in 1960.  Senegal, an African nation of more than 90 percent Muslim, is a cultural bridge between Muslims and the African-Christian world, and may have gained political and strategic importance in this way.



Ghana or Ghana (English: Ghana) (pronounced ?i / ????n? /) is the official name of the Republic of Ghana. It is a country in western Africa.  It is bordered by Ivory Coast and is bounded on the south by the Atlantic Ocean.

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Accra is the capital of this country.  The currency of this country is called Ghanaian Sedi.

 The official language of Ghana is English and is spoken by 67% of the population.  Ghana has a population of 31 million [9] and the people of Ghana are made up of several ethnic groups.  About half of the Ghanaians are from the Akan tribe, about 17 percent from the Dagbani tribe, 14 percent from the Afa tribe, and the rest from several other tribes.  98% of Ghanaians are black. [10] Most Ghanaians are Christians and about 17% are Muslims.

 Ghana became independent from Britain on March 6, 1957.  At that time, the two British colonies of Gold Coast and Togolese, which had merged a year earlier, formed a country called Ghana.  On July 1, 1960, the republican system was established in Ghana.


Place of interest

Ghana or Ghana (English: Ghana) (pronounced ?i / ????n? /) is the official name of the Republic of Ghana. It is a country in western Africa.  It is bordered by Ivory Coast and is bounded on the south by the Atlantic Ocean.

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Accra is the capital of this country.  The currency of this country is called Ghanaian Sedi.

 The official language of Ghana is English and is spoken by 67% of the population.  Ghana has a population of 31 million [9] and the people of Ghana are made up of several ethnic groups.  About half of the Ghanaians are from the Akan tribe, about 17 percent from the Dagbani tribe, 14 percent from the Afa tribe, and the rest from several other tribes.  98% of Ghanaians are black. [10] Most Ghanaians are Christians and about 17% are Muslims.

 Ghana became independent from Britain on March 6, 1957.  At that time, the two British colonies of Gold Coast and Togolese, which had merged a year earlier, formed a country called Ghana.  On July 1, 1960, the republican system was established in Ghana.

Place of interest

Mongolia (Mongolian: ?????? ???) is a landlocked country in East Asia with a population of over 3 million, with Mongolia bordering Russia to the north and the People"s Republic of China to the south.  Mongolia is also one of the least populous countries in Asia.  The country has a population of 3,145,000, of which 95% are Mongols and about 4% are Cossacks.  More than 45% of the population lives in Ulaanbaatar, the capital.

 The official language of this country is Mongolian, which is written in Cyrillic and Mongolian scripts.  Religion 53% of the population is Tibetan Buddhism and about 40% are atheists.  The currency of this country is called Tugrog and its political system is a parliamentary republic.

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Mongolia borders only Russia and China, and although the 19th largest country in the world by area, it is the least densely populated independent country in the world (Greenland, part of Denmark, has the lowest population density).  Mongolia is also the second largest landlocked country in the world after Kazakhstan.

 The region of present-day Mongolia was ruled by various kingdoms, including the Shiongun, Xi"an, Roran, and Gogturks, and in 1206 Genghis Khan established the Mongol Empire in these areas.  After the collapse of the Yuan dynasty, the Mongols returned to the Chinese border in the same way as in the long-standing tribal conflict and Haraz invasions.  Mongolia came under the influence of Tibetan Buddhism in the 16th and 17th centuries, and by the end of the 17th century all of Mongolia became part of the Qing Dynasty.  After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Mongolia also declared independence, but was forced to fight the Republic of China until 1921 to consolidate its true independence.  The international recognition of Mongolia"s independence took place in 1945.

 After that, the country became increasingly under Soviet influence, and in 1924, the People"s Republic of Mongolia was formed, and its politicians followed Soviet policies.  Following the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe in late 1989, Mongolia also witnessed a democratic revolution in the country in the early 1990s, which led to the formation of a multiparty system and the drafting of a constitution in 1992, leading the country to economics.  The free market pushed