Thailand, officially the Kingdom of Thailand and formerly Siam, is a country in the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Thailand is bordered by Myanmar to the northwest and west, Laos to the northeast and east, Cambodia to the southeast, and Malaysia to the south.
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The shores of the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea have made Thailand a world tourism hub, although sex workers have not been spared in this boom.
The official language of Thailand is the capital, as well as its most populous city, Bangkok, and the religion is about 95% Buddhist. The name Thailand in the language of the locals is derived from the two words Thi and Land, which means the land of the free people or the Thai people. The population is 69,778,000
South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is a country in southern Africa on the Atlantic and Indian coasts. With a population of 59.6 million, it is the fourth most populous country in sub-Saharan Africa.
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The Republic of South Africa is bordered by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and Lesotho (a country enclosed in South Africa).
The country has three different capitals: the executive branch in Pretoria, the parliament in Cape Town, and the judiciary in Bloom Fontaine. The most populous city is Johannesburg (with a population of nearly six million).
The Republic of South Africa has experienced different evolution from other African countries for three reasons. First, migration from Europe began shortly after the Dutch East India Company established a station in what is now Cape Town. The second is the strategic importance of the Cape Canal, which became more important with the closure of the Suez Canal during the Six-Day War, and the third is that the region"s rich mineral resources made it even more important to the West, especially in the late 19th century. It became more important during the Cold War.
It is racially diverse due to South African immigration. The largest hybrid populations of Europeans and Indians are located in Africa. Blacks make up 80.9% of the population and are therefore the largest ethnic group in the country. Whites, with a population of 7.8 percent of the total, are a racial minority in the country. The majority of the population is Christian, but a small group of Muslims (about two percent of the total population) also live there. [15]
Racial conflicts between the white and black minority minorities have played an important role in South African history and politics, leading to the historic period of apartheid in South Africa, which was founded in 1948 by the South African National Party. However, there was already racial segregation in the country. Laws defining apartheid were gradually repealed by the National Party in 1991, due to violent conflicts that included international economic sanctions imposed by the international community. These conflicts took place between the majority of blacks and many whites, colored people and Indians.
It is one of the few African countries where a coup has never taken place and regular elections have been held over the past century. However, the majority of blacks did not have the right to vote until 1994. It is a founding member of the African Union and has the second largest economy among its members. [16] [17] The Commonwealth of Independent States, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the Group of 77 and the Group of 20 are other international organizations. Of which South Africa is a member. The Republic of South Africa also joined the Non-Aligned Movement in 1994 after the abolition of apartheid. [18]
The country"s political system is a parliamentary democracy, but the post of head of state and head of state are merged into a parliamentary president-elect. The parliament consists of two chambers. The upper house is called the National Assembly of Provinces and the lower house is called the National Assembly.
South Africa has 11 official languages; 9 languages ??from the African languages ??of the Bantu family and two European languages; One is the Afrikaans language, which has its roots in Dutch and is the language of the majority of whites and hybrids in the country, and the other is English, which is widely used in commerce and the public sphere, but is only the fifth most spoken language in the home.
South Africa, known as the Rainbow Nation, was first used by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and later used by South African President Nelson Mandela as a metaphor to describe new developments in cultural diversity stemming from apartheid ideology. South Africa hosted the 2010 World Cup and this was the first time the tournament was held in Africa.
It had close relations with Iran during apartheid, exporting weapons and uranium and importing oil from Iran. After the Revolution of 1957, Iran joined the South African boycott movement and the two countries severed ties. After the abolition of apartheid in 1994, relations between the two countries continued
Cyprus (Greek: Κ?προ), officially the Republic of Cyprus (Greek: Κυπρικ? Δημοκρατ?α), is an island nation east of the Mediterranean Sea with Nicosia as its capital. The northern part of the island of Northern Cyprus (Turkish part) is inhabited by Muslim and Turkish-speaking Cypriots, and the southern (European) part of the island is generally Cypriot (Greek). In Cyprus both Greek and Turkish are official languages. The Greeks are Orthodox Christians and the Turkish Cypriots are Muslims.
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The island of Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean after Sardinia and Sicily [2] and the Republic of Cyprus is a member of the European Union. Cyprus is a Mediterranean tourist destination and joined the Eurozone on 1 January 2008.
The total population of the island is one million and one hundred thousand people and the population of the Republic of Cyprus excluding Northern Cyprus is 620 thousand people. Fifty-seven percent of the island"s population is Greek and 43 percent is Turkish Cypriot.
Due to its strategic location, the island has historically been invaded and occupied by various empires, including the Hittites, Assyrians, Egyptians, Achaemenids, Greeks, Mufaddians, Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, and Arabs.
The island has been divided since 1974, when the Turkish army invaded northern Cyprus in response to a Greek coup. The Greek-held southern part of Cyprus then joined the European Union, but the northern Turkish part remained. The northern part of Cyprus is recognized only by Turkey as an independent state. [3] The name Cyprus is derived from the word Cyprus (copper) due to its abundant copper exports in the distant past.
Chile (Spanish: Chile) Officially known as the Republic of Chile (Spanish: República de Chile), is a country in South America whose capital and most important city is Santiago. Chile is drawn on a map of South America like a long, narrow strip between the Andes in the east and the Pacific in the west. The Pacific Ocean forms the entire western border of the country, bordering Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Pass at the lowest southern point. Along with Ecuador, it is the only country in South America that does not share a border with Brazil. The length of the country"s coastline with the Pacific Ocean is 6,435 km and the length of the border between Chile and Argentina is more than 5,000 km, which is one of the four longest borders in the world.
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Atacama Desert is located in the northern part of the country with an area of ??1000 km. This desert is in fact the driest region on earth, which due to its dryness has great economic value for Chile. The desert is rich in minerals such as copper, gold and silver, of which only 5.7 million tons of copper were extracted and then exported in 2015. [1] [2]
One of the most important events in the history of Chile dates back to the 1970s, when Salvador Allende of the Chilean Marxist Party won the election and was elected President, but then in the coup of September 11, 1973 led by Augusto Pinochet and with the help of Influenced by the CIA, General Pinochet succeeded in carrying out a coup in the country. [3] This coup had a tremendous impact on the country"s history and the Cold War. [4] Like human development, trade and economic competitiveness, economic freedom, and per capita income growth, it is one of the most stable and secure countries in Latin America. [5] Chile is a member of the United Nations, the Association of South American Nations, and the Latin American Community Is the Caribbean.
Nepal, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a country in Asia, located in northern India and with its capital in Kathmandu. Nepal has a population of about 29 million [1] and its official language is Nepali. The currency is the Nepalese rupee, which borders only China and India.
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Most of Nepal is located in the Himalayas, and the north of the country is home to eight of the world"s ten highest peaks, one of which is the world"s highest mountain, Mount Everest. The south of the country is humid and fertile and has a large population.
Eighty-one percent of Nepalis are Hindu, making it the highest percentage of Hinduism in the world in terms of population. Due to its geographical location, the country is influenced by both India and Tibet. Buddhism, Islam and Kirati (a combination of animism, Shia worship and Tibetan Buddhism) are the other two major religions in the country, and a large part of the population identifies as both Hindu and Buddhist, due to the combination of the two religions in the region. Nepal is the only country in the world whose flag is not rectangular, and consists of two overlapping triangles.
Nepal has had a monarchy for most of its history. Nearly 16,000 people were killed in Nepal"s civil war against the monarchy from 1996 to 2006. The Maoists ended ten years of civil war in 2006 and joined the peace process in Nepal. In 2008, the monarchy was overthrown by Nepal"s Constituent Assembly and a federal multi-party democratic republic was established. Although there have been conflicts in the country since then, the system of government has remained in place, and the 2015 constitution declared the system of government a parliamentary democracy.