Place of interest
Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country in West Africa. Its capital is Dakar.
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Senegal is bordered by Mauritania to the northeast, Mali to the east, and Guinea-Bissau to the south.
The Gambia is also a language within Senegal. Senegal is bounded on the west by the Atlantic Ocean.
Although Senegal is neither a vast country nor has a strategic position, it does play a prominent role in African continental politics. The country has a population of about 16.7 million.
The French first built a port in Senegal in 1659 and named it the Saint Louis District. It was liberated from French rule in 1960. Senegal, an African nation of more than 90 percent Muslim, is a cultural bridge between Muslims and the African-Christian world, and may have gained political and strategic importance in this way.